Madagascar Movie Cast

Madagascar is an American English language film released in the year 2005. It is a computer animated adventure comedy film. Madagascar is directed by Eric Darnell and Tom McGrath; produced by Mireille Soria; written by Mark Burton, Billy Frolick, Erick Darnell, Tom McGrath; starring Ben Stiller, Chris Rock, David Schwimmer, Jada Pinkett Smith, Sacha Baron Cohen, Cedric the Entertainer, Andy Richter. It has a screen running time of 86 minutes and was released on 27th May 2005 at United States.

madagascar movie cast

Madagascar Movie Crew

Directed byEric Darnell
Tom McGranth
Produced byMireille Soria
Production houseDreamWorks Animation
Written byMark Burton
Billy Frolick
Eric Darnell
Tom McGrath
Edited byH. Lee Peterson
Music byHans Zimmer

Madagascar Movie Cast

Below are the list of Madagascar Movie Cast.

  • Ben Stiller as Alex
  • Chris Rock as Marty
  • David Schwimmer as Melman
  • Jada Pinkett Smith as Gloria
  • Sacha Baron Cohen as King Julien XIII
  • Cedric the Entertainer as Maurice
  • Andy Richter as Mort
  • Tom McGrath as Skipper
  • Chris Miller as Kowalski
  • Jeffrey Katzenberg as Rico
  • Christopher Knights as Private
  • Conrad Vernon as Mason
  • Eric Darnell and Tom McGrath as the fossa
  • David P. Smith as Pancho
  • Elisa Gabrielli as Nana
  • Bob Saget as an unspecified off-screen zoo animal.
  • David Cowgill as a police horse.
  • Stephen Apostolina as a police officer.

Who voices the monkeys in Madagascar?

Conrad Vernon

Who plays the meerkat in Madagascar?

Sacha Baron Cohen and Danny Jacobs

What’s the zebras name in Madagascar?


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