Madagascar is an American English language film released in the year 2005. It is a computer animated adventure comedy film. Madagascar is directed by Eric Darnell and Tom McGrath; produced by Mireille Soria; written by Mark Burton, Billy Frolick, Erick Darnell, Tom McGrath; starring Ben Stiller, Chris Rock, David Schwimmer, Jada Pinkett Smith, Sacha Baron Cohen, Cedric the Entertainer, Andy Richter. It has a screen running time of 86 minutes and was released on 27th May 2005 at United States.
Madagascar Movie Crew
Directed by | Eric Darnell Tom McGranth |
Produced by | Mireille Soria |
Production house | DreamWorks Animation PDI/DreamWorks |
Written by | Mark Burton Billy Frolick Eric Darnell Tom McGrath |
Edited by | H. Lee Peterson |
Music by | Hans Zimmer |
Madagascar Movie Cast
Below are the list of Madagascar Movie Cast.
- Ben Stiller as Alex
- Chris Rock as Marty
- David Schwimmer as Melman
- Jada Pinkett Smith as Gloria
- Sacha Baron Cohen as King Julien XIII
- Cedric the Entertainer as Maurice
- Andy Richter as Mort
- Tom McGrath as Skipper
- Chris Miller as Kowalski
- Jeffrey Katzenberg as Rico
- Christopher Knights as Private
- Conrad Vernon as Mason
- Eric Darnell and Tom McGrath as the fossa
- David P. Smith as Pancho
- Elisa Gabrielli as Nana
- Bob Saget as an unspecified off-screen zoo animal.
- David Cowgill as a police horse.
- Stephen Apostolina as a police officer.
Who voices the monkeys in Madagascar?
Conrad Vernon
Who plays the meerkat in Madagascar?
Sacha Baron Cohen and Danny Jacobs
What’s the zebras name in Madagascar?