The Greatest Show on Earth is an American English language film released in the year 1952. It is a drama film directed and produced by Cecil B. DeMille; story by Fredric M. Frank, Theodore St. John, Frank Cavett; starring Betty Hutton, Cornel Wilde, Charlton Heston, Dorothy Lamour, Gloria Grahame, Henry Wilcoxon, Lyle Bettger, Lawrence Tierney, Emmett Kelly, Cucciola, Antoinette Concello, James Stewart. The Greatest Show on Earth has a screen running time of 152 minutes and was released on 21st February 1952 at Los Angeles.
The Greatest Show on Earth Crew
Directed by | Cecil B. DeMille |
Produced by | Cecil B. DeMille |
Cinematography by | George Barnes |
Edited by | Anne Bauchens |
Music by | Victor Young |
The Greatest Show on Earth Cast
- Betty Hutton as Holly
- Cornel Wilde as The Great Sebastian
- Charlton Heston as Brad Braden
- James Stewart as Buttons the Clown
- Dorothy Lamour as Phyllis
- Gloria Grahame as Angel
- Henry Wilcoxon as FBI Agent Gregory
- Lawrence Tierney as Mr. Henderson
- Lyle Bettger as Klaus
- John Ridgely as Assistant Manager
- Frank Wilcox as Circus doctor
- Brad Johnson as unnamed reporter
- John Kellogg as Harry
- Cecil B. DeMille as Narrator
- Charmienne Harker as Charmienne
Who was the original Greatest Showman?
Barnum, portrayed by Hugh Jackman.
Is The Greatest Showman based on a true story?
The Greatest Showman follows the true story of P.T. Barnum’s rise to fame with his circus, though some details are slightly exaggerated.