Sliding Doors Cast – Sliding Doors is romantic comedy-drama film released in the year 1998. The film was written and directed by Peter Howitt; produced by Sydney Pollack, Philippa Braithwaite; starring Gwyneth Paltrow, John Hannah, John Lynch, Jeanne Tripplehorn. Sliding Doors has a screen running time of 99 minutes and was released on 1st May 1998.
Sliding Doors Crew
Directed by | Peter Howitt |
Written by | Peter Howitt |
Produced by | Sydney Pollack Philippa Braithwaite |
Production house | Intermedia Mirage Enterprises |
Cinematography by | Remi Adefarasin |
Edited by | John Smith |
Music by | David Hirschfelder |
Sliding Doors Cast
Gwyneth Paltrow as Helen Quilley
John Hannah as James Hammerton
John Lynch as Gerry
Jeanne Tripplehorn as Lydia
Zara Turner as Anna
Douglas McFerran as Russell
Paul Brightwell as Clive
Nina Young as Claudia
Virginia McKenna as Mrs. Hammerton
Kevin McNally as Paul
Christopher Villiers as Steve
Where is sliding doors filmed?
How old is Gwyneth?
49 years