Shark Tale is an American English language film released in the year 2004. It is a computer animated comedy film. Shark Tale is directed by Vicky Jenson, Bibo Bergeron, Rob Letterman; produced by Bill Damaschke, Janet Healy, Allison Lyon Segan; starring Will Smith, Robert De Niro, Renee Zellweger, Angelina Jolie, Jack Black, Martin Scorsese. It has a screen running time of 90 minutes and was released on 10th September 2004 at Venice and on 1st October 2004 at United States.
Shark Tale Crew
Directed by | Vicky Jenson Bibo Bergeron |
Produced by | Bill Damaschke Janet Healy Allison Lyon Segan |
Production house | DreamWorks Animation |
Screenplay by | Michael J. Wilson Rob Letterman |
Edited by | Nick Fletcher |
Music by | Hans Zimmer |
Shark Tale Cast
Below are the Shark Tank Cast –
- Will Smith as Oscar
- Robert De Niro as Don Lino
- Renée Zellweger as Angie
- Jack Black as Lenny
- Angelina Jolie as Lola
- Martin Scorsese as Sykes
- Ziggy Marley as Ernie
- Doug E. Doug as Bernie
- Michael Imperioli as Frankie
- Vincent Pastore as Luca
- Peter Falk as Don Feinberg
- Katie Couric as Katie Current
- David P. Smith as Crazy Joe
- Bobb’e J. Thompson, Kamali Minter, Emily Lyon Segan as the Shorties
- Shelley Morrison as Mrs. Sanchez
- David Soren as an unnamed shrimp
How old is Shark Tale?
16 years
Who is Lola in Shark Tale?
Angelina Jolie
Will there be a Shark Tale 2?
It is set to be released on September 2, 2022.