Seventh Son is an American English language film released in the year. It is based on a novel The Spook’s Apprentice of 2004 by Joseph Delaney. The film is directed by Serger Bodrov; produced by Basil Iwanyk, Thomas Tull, Lionel Wigram; which stars Jeff Bridges, Ben Barnes, Alicia Vikander, Kit Harington, Olivia Williams, Antje Traue, Djimon Hounsou, Julianne Moore. It has a screen running time of 102 minutes which was released on 17th December 2014 in France and on 6th February 2015 at United States.
Seventh Son Crew
Directed by | Sergei Bodrov |
Screenplay by | Charles Leavitt Steven Knight |
Produced by | Basil Iwanyk Thomas Tull Lionel Wigram |
Production house | Legendary Pictures Moving Pitures Company Outlaw Sinema Pendle Mountain Productions Thunder Road Pictures China Film Group |
Cinematography by | Newton Thomas Sigel |
Edited by | Paul Rubell Jim Page Michael Kahn |
Music by | Marco Beltrami |
Seventh Son Cast
Jeff Bridges as Master Gregory
Ben Barnes as Tom Ward
Julianne Moore as Mother Malkin
Alicia Vikander as Alice
Antje Traue as Bony Lizzie
Olivia Williams as Mam Ward
John DeSantis as Tusk
Kit Harington as William Bradley
Djimon Hounsou as Radu
Jason Scott Lee as Urag