Kushmanda Devi Images – Kushmanda Devi is the fourth Navadurga forms of Mahadevi, worshipped during the fourth day of Navratri. In the word Kushmanda Ku means a little, ushma means warmth and Anda means cosmic egg. She is supposed to create the whole universe with flashing her smile. Kushmanda Devi improves health and bestow wealth and strength. She has eight hands and carries lotus, chakra, kamandalu, dhanush, arrow. gada, akshamala and a jar of holy elixir. Kushmanda Devi is also known as Ashtabhuja Devi as she has eight hands. She rides on a lion.
Here are some Kushmanda Devi images.

Who is Kushmanda Devi?
Hindu goddess, credited with creating the world with her divine smile
Which Devi is 4th day of Navratri?
Maa Kushmanda