Jitiya Image – Jitiya also known as Jivitputrika is Hindu three day long religious festival. The celebration of Jitiya starts from seventh moon day of Krishna-Paksha in Ashwin month and ends on the ninth moon day of Krishna-Paksha in Ashwin month. The three day long festival includes Nahai-Khai, Khur-Jitiya or Jiviputrika day and parana. Jitiya is mainly celebrated in the states of Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh of India and Nepal. On the auspicious occasion of Jitiya, mothers fast without water for the long life and well being of their children.
Here are some Jitiya image.

Which God is Worshipped on Jitiya?
Lord Vishnu, Shiva, and Lord Surya
Which caste people celebrate Jitiya as their major festival?
hilly areas of Nepal, the Jitiya festival is a big festival of Tarai women
When is Jitiya in 2022?
17th September 2022 – 19th September 2022