Hannie Caulder is a British English language film released in the year 1971. The film is directed by Burt Kennedy, produced by Patrick Curtis which stars Raquel Welch, Robert Culp, Ernest Borgnine, Strother Martin, Jack Elam, Christopher Lee, Diana Dors. The film was released on 8th November 1971 at London with a screen running time of 85 minutes.
Table Of Contents
Hannie Caulder Crew
Directed by | Burt Kennedy |
Story by | Peter Cooper |
Screenplay by | Burt Kennedy David Haft |
Produced by | Patrick Curtis |
Production house | Tigon British Film Productions Curtwel Productions |
Cinematography | Edward Scaife |
Edited by | Jim Connock |
Music by | Ken Thorne |
Hannie Caulder Cast
Raquel Welch as Hannie Caulder
Robert Culp as Thomas Luther Price
Ernest Borgnine as Emmett Clemens
Jack Elam as Frank Clemens
Strother Martin as Rufus Clemens
Christopher Lee as Bailey
Diana Dors as Madame