Death in Paradise is a British French English language television series aired first in the year 2011. It is a comedy, crime, drama, detective, fictional series; created by Robert Thorogood. Death in Paradise is based on a detective inspector of UK and his team who solves murder mysteries on the fictional Carribbean Island. There are a total of 11 seasons, which are released till now.
Death in Paradise Season 11, first episode was released on 7th January 2022. The series is ready for it’s 12th season from 6th January 2023.
Death in Paradise Christmas Special 2022
Death in Paradise Christmas Special 2022 is back with a brand new episode, after months of it’s last release. The viewers are very much excited about it’s Christmas Special Episode of 2022. The episode will have a screen running time of 90 minutes and was released on 26th December 2023 on BBC.
Death in Paradise Christmas Special 2022 Cast
Below can be seen Death in Paradise Christmas Special 2022 Cast.
- Ralf Little as DI Neville Parker
- Shantol Jackson as DS Naomi Thomas
- Don Warrington as Commissioner Selwyn Patterson
- Tahj Miles as Officer Marlon Pryce
- Ginny Holder as Darlene Curtis
- Elizabeth Bourgine as Catherine Bordey
- Les Dennis as Danny Sheridan
- Siobhan McSweeney as Jennifer Langan
- Chelesea Edge as Sophie Chambers
- Hakeem Kae-Kazim as Marvin Peters
- Jo Martin as Rakesha Lorde
- Joseph Mydell as Rodell Weekes
- Kiera Lester as Alicia McCoy
- Jason Yeboa as Young Selwyn
- Riotafari Gardner as Young Marvin
Which Caribbean island do they film Death in Paradise?
Guadeloupe Islands
Is there a Death in Paradise Christmas special 2022?