Crooked House is an English language mystery film released in the year 2017. The film is based on a novel Crooked House by Agatha Christie in the year 1949. The film is directed by Gilles Paquet-Brenner; produced by James Spring, Sally Wood, Joseph Abrams; which stars Glenn Close, Terence Stamp, Max Irons, Stefanie Martini, Julian Sands, Gillian Anderson, Christina Hendricks. It has a screen running time of 115 minutes which was released in United Kingdom, United States.
Crooked House Crew
Directed by | Gilles Paquet-Brenner |
Produced by | James Spring Sally Wood Joseph Abrams |
Production house | Brilliant Films Metro International Entertainment Fred Films |
Screenplay by | Julian Fellowers Tim Rose Price Gilles Paquet-Brenner |
Cinematography by | Sebastian Wintero |
Edited by | Peter Christelis |
Music by | Hugo de Chaire |
Crooked House Cast
- Glenn Close as Lady Edith de Haviland
- Terence Stamp as Chief Inspector Taverner
- Max Irons as Charles Hayward
- Stefanie Martini as Sophia Leonides
- Julian Sands as Philip Leonides
- Honor Kneafsey as Josephine Leonides
- Christian McKay as Roger Leonides
- Amanda Abbington as Clemency Leonides
- Gillian Anderson as Magda West
- Christina Hendricks as Brenda Leonides
- Preston Nyman as Eustace Leonides
- John Heffernan as Laurence Brown
- Jenny Galloway as Nanny
- Jacob Fortune-Lloyd as Brent
- David Kirkbride as Sergeant Glover
- Tina Gray as Miss Ackroyd
- Roger Ashton-Griffiths as Mr Gaitskill
- Andreas Karras as Iannois Agrodopolous
- Gino Picciano as Aristide Leonides
Who is Magda Leonides in Crooked House?
Gillian Anderson
Who played Aunt Edith in the Crooked House?
Glenn Close
Who was the killer in Crooked House?