CBS Big Brother 24 Cast – Big Brother is an American television reality competition show which is also known as Big Brother USA. Big Brother is based on a Dutch reality show of the same name which was created by John de Moi in 1997. The American series was first launched on 5th July 2000 on CBS and is the second longest running adaptation of Big Brother franchise. A total of 23 seasons has been released and the 24th season is to be started from 6th July 2022.
CBS Big Brother is 24th season which is starting in the year 2022. It is to be premiered on 6th July 2022 on CBS. There will be several house guests who would live in the same house and compete among themselves to survive till last without being connected to the outside world and win a prize money of $750,000. CBS Big Brother 24 is supposed to run for 82 days and will have it’s finale on 25th September 2022.
CBS Big Brother 24 will be hosted by Julie Chen Moonves with a total number of 16 participants.
CBS Big Brother 24 Cast
Host Julie Chen Moonves
Alyssa Snider, 24 from Sarasota, Florida
Ameerah Jones, 31 from Westminster, Maryland
Brittany Hoopes, 32 from Austin, Texas
Daniel Durston, 35 from Las Vegas, Nevada
Indy Santos, 31 from Los Angeles, California
Jasmine Davis, 29 from Atlanta, Georgia
Joe “Pooch” Pucciarelli, 24 from Boca Raton, Florida
Kyle Capener, 29 from Bountiful, Utah
Marvin Achi, 28 from Houston, Texas
Matthew “Turner” Turner, 23 from New Bedford, Massachusetts
Michael Bruner, 28 from Rochester, Minnesota
Monte Taylor, 27 from Bear, Delaware
Nicole Layog, 41 from Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Paloma Aguilar, 22 from San Marcos, California
Taylor Hale, 27 from West Bloomfield, Michigan
Terrance Higgins, 47 from Chicago, Illinois
Who became famous from Big Brother?
Craig Phillips
Who is the Big Brother voice 2022?
Sifiso Makhubu