Surya Deva Images

Surya Deva Images : Surya Deva is the Hindu god of the sun, who is revered for his power and benevolence. He is shown as a glowing deity driving a chariot of seven horses. He is also related to various aspects of life, such as health, wealth, wisdom, and justice. Surya Deva images are a wonderful way to show your faith and gratitude to the sun god, and to ask for his mercy and guidance. You can use these images to adorn your home, office, or devices, or to share them with your friends and family. You can also use these images to meditate and pray to Surya Deva, and to get his blessings.

Some of the Surya Deva images are here.

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Surya Deva Images

What is the symbolism of Surya?

willpower, name, fame, and authority

Which day is good for surya dev?
